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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Piecing Together A Community Collage

Today, the Owls worked on creating a beautiful collage.
The idea of a collage is a simple one: take bits and pieces of whatever you have and work them together in a way that creates a unified piece of artwork. This chaotic harmony is one of my favorite ways to create art, because it represents the blending of unique individuals working together to create something larger. 

This is exactly how the Owls approached this task: each one with their own agenda, choosing to either methodically place each piece or set their paper down wherever it falls. The pieces came from the painted paper that we worked on and ripped up last week. We have studied Eric Carle's collage work, seen examples of other collages, and this time it was the Owls' turn.

Lucas enjoyed the process so much that he wanted to make his own
At morning meeting, we discussed what we knew about babies. Answers included, "Babies Crawl", "They cry", and "Babies poop in diapers". We are slowly becoming experts!
We also continued our baby focus in dramatic play today. Tamara taught friends how to create baby carriers out of scarves, so we had a few dolls being swaddled and nurtured today. There was also the continuation of baby animal play, where friends were very interested in creating hiding places for babies so that hunters would not get them.

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