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Monday, January 28, 2013

Buster Williams!

Today was the day that Buster Williams, renowned jazz bassist, came to Abington Friends School!
He spent his morning with the Owls and the Doves. Each friend told their name, and Buster said, "Every time someone asks you your name, I want you to be proud it say it! Be proud of your name!" Wise words, indeed. 
He asked us to sing songs for him, and many Owls were excited to sing things like the ABC's for him. Both classes also sang our classic "Say Hello" song for him, and he accompanied on bass. He even played for us while friends got to dance and move!
 Singing with Buster!
Early Childhood singing "Say Hello", featuring Buster Williams

We also continued playing cooperative games. Thanks to Caimin for bringing in Bird Bingo! 
Other Owlings:
Building a snowman
...and a mini snowman

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