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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Coming into Eric Carle

Today, as we visited the Library, Gwen introduced us to the work of the classic children's book author, Eric Carle.
Eric Carle is been one of the most recognized and respected people in the world of children's literature. Carle recognizes the curiosity of a child, and seeks to address this curiosity by trying to educate them through the stories he weaves with simple, approachable and entertaining plots. His love of nature aligns well with the AFS philosophies in regards to nature, and of course, his illustrations are magnificent.

His illustrations are, in fact, the reason why the Owls learned about him today. His unique style of collaging perfectly fits with our study of paper. Since our plan is to use the different papers we've painted on to create communal collages, seeing the mastery of Carle's pieces were very much a treat. Gwen even let us check out several of Carle's books so that we could have them in our classroom as we continue our study.
Alexander brought in his new guitar today, which inspired many of the Owls to gather in the common space outside of our door and make music. Some of the Catbirds came out as well, and we had a very fierce jam session going. We sang many versions of "Make New Friends", including an animal sounds version, a favorite food version, and more.
As the session dissolved, friends enjoyed staying out in the hall and exploring all the toys out there. A "museum of games" was built, complete with statues (that of course come alive and terrorize), ball towers, and car racing tracks.

Other Owlings:

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