The dramatic play area was bustling today for the Owls! As the day unfolded, friends developed into imaginative play that became focused on care-taking. Friends began to play as animal babies, which transformed when a mother was designated. The mother became very intent on her role as a nurturer, including (literally) sitting on classmates to warm eggs and feeding very hungry babies. They created trees and nests out of blocks to make environments for the babies. Friends furthered the development when they decided that they were birds that "were ready to fly". They stood on a bench and jumped, pretending to fall, and then got back up to try again. How amazing it was to watch this happen!
We were also visited by Alicia today, who read Presiona Aqui with us again. We also played with a large dice, which served as a tool in a counting game.
And of course, because of the snow yesterday, the Owls enjoyed playing outside! Friends were making snow angels, throwing snowballs (but only if they asked first and were only throwing at knees), and sailing on pretend ships through the snow. They were not deterred by the cold, and had a wonderful time.
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