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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Spanish Owls, Climbing Owls, Cookie Owls

¡Hola mis amigos! Today we had our first visit from Alicia, who is quite an extraordinary woman--not only is she a part of our wonderful Kindergarten team, she also will serve as the Early Childhood spanish teacher! She introduced us to many things in her visit, such as hola and me llamo Owl. She also introduced us to a few songs. Enjoy a clip of one:
 The words go:
¡Buenos dias, amigos! Buenos dias.
Buenos dias, como estan?
¡Estoy bien, amigos! Estoy bien. 
Estoy bien,Y tu?
Y yo? Y el? Y ella?
Y nosotros?

 with a translation of:
Good day, friends! Good day.
Good day, how are you?
I am well, friends! I am well.
I am well, and you?
And me? And he? And she?
And us?

We passed a globe around and introduced ourselves in Spanish!

Mr. Owl got a chance to introduce himself, too!
 We also put on our wings and flew to Cuba, which is a country that speaks Spanish and is where Alicia is originally from.

Saturday was Harper's birthday, so her daddy John and her mommy Jenny (who teaches Upper School English) visited us and brought a very special birthday cookie. It was huge!

We also took a trip to the meadow this afternoon to let off some energy after our cookie consumption, and enjoyed a different kind of outdoor classroom. The Owls got to practice their climbing skills on a low growing tree. Did you know that [these] owls are expert climbers?

Harper's dad also helped us with more owl shirts for the fall festival.

Debbie making owl feathers.

Other Owlings:

Friends shared a moment of peace outside.

And less peaceful, ore cramped moments.


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