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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Building a Cozy Box

In our new expanded Dramatic Play area, we still seemed to be missing something, and the Owls quickly figured out that they needed someplace cozy! The Owls who used to be Little Frogs told their friends about something they used to have: a Cozy Box! And so the planning commenced to build the Cozy Box. Yesterday we got some pieces of wood from the builders Marty and Timmy. Today at Morning Meeting, Tamara showed the children a picture. They quickly figured out that it was the back of her car, and inside was some lumber from Home Depot! ("Hey my dad went there!" one Owl added.) With lots of wood gathered, we were ready to start our plan. Tamara showed the children how to use rulers, both to draw straight lines, and to count numbers. They were so excited to get to work drawing the plans.

We went to the Catbirds Room to do some observational drawings of their Cozy Box. The children worked with great intention, using their rulers to draw straight lines. Some even used the rulers to measure the Cozy Box!

Once our drawings were complete, we gathered them into a notebook. We wanted to get Marty the builder to check them out. He thought we had a good plan!

Other Owlish things:

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