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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Emerging Literacy and Writing

The letter writing continued today, and a whole sentence was added to our word basket. It was a sentence that came up yesterday at the Writing Center: "I love you." Like so many things in developmentally appropriate practice, children's emerging writing skills come from their interests, from things that are important and have meaning to them. So the first letters of their names and of their families' names are often the first letters they learn. Likewise, children begin to recognize words that are important in their lives: mom, dad, love, and usually those are the first words they will write and then read. Each piece builds on the one before, and the more meaningful the connection to the child's experience, the quicker the connection can be made when the child is ready. And clearly each Owl is learning so much!

The projects at the writing center quickly turned into kite making, a project that we brought outside where we hoped to find more wind for our kites.

Also we:

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