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Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs. Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
One of the wonderful aspects of blogging is that it allows real-time interaction between home and school. Is your child talking about what we are doing in school? Leave us a comment and let us know! Are you interested (or even an expert!) in something we are studying? Leave us a comment and let us know! Are you planning an outing with your child to extend the classroom learning? Leave us a comment and invite other families along!
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Monday, October 1, 2012

A Musical Day and The Essence of Fall

What a beautiful Fall day! The Owls flew out to the grassy grove and basically frolicked  It is wonderful to see how their play skills are developing, and how they are playing with each other in increasingly cooperative and imaginative ways. Today the Owls played in small, ever-morphing groups creating play scripts about castles, boats, and secret missions.

Outdoor literacy: using sticks to "write" in the dirt

Mike also brought in his guitar and several new instruments for the class. He explained how to tune the guitar and played some silly songs with us!

cleaning the guitar
One child was even inspired to make his own guitar:
(apologies for the lack of sound)

Other happenings:
bringing Silder's old tank to Rosanne in the Science Room

visiting the other Turtles

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