¡Bienvenidos familia,
amigas, y amigos! Welcome! During
our previous clase de Español, it was Pharaoh’s turn to choose our
destination to a Spanish speaking country. Following our morning salutations,
he suggested we head over to Mexico.
In order to review the Spanish vocabulary for some of the modes of
transportation that may (or may not) take us there, a picture of a particular
style of transport was held up for las Lechuzas y los
to see. As each picture
was shown, las Lechuzas y los Búhos were asked,¿Vamos
en esto? (Are we going on this?). But no one can trick las Lechuzas y los Búhos.
They not only knew what mode of transportation we would need to get all the way
to Mexico, but they also knew the name of the vehicles in Spanish! For example, when a picture
of a bicycle was held up and las Lechuzas y los
were asked if that is how
we will get there (¿Vamos en esto?), they would answer, “¡No. That’s a
bicycle. A bicicleta!” Try them! Ask any of las Lechuzas y los Búhos
to say any of the following in Spanish:
vocabulary words:
carro - car
bote - boat
bicicleta - bicycle
tren – train
motocicleta –
camión – truck
avión – airplane
Once we arrived
and gathered in a círculo, we each
took a turn at tossing a Big Die that represented a different flat geometrical
shape. Using the Big Die, each of las
Lechuzas y los Búhos took a turn at rolling it and announcing the Spanish
name for the shape it landed on.
vocabulary words:
circle - círculo
oval - óvalo
triangle - triángulo
rectangle - rectángulo
square - cuadrado
rhombus - rombo
Afterwards, we
practiced saying the lyrics to one of the songs we will be singing at our
Spring Performance. It is a traditional Latino lullaby titled, Arroro mi niño. And, what’s a great way for us to practice
singing a lullaby? Singing it to our “lovey”, that’s how.
We finished our class with our
traditional song, Adios, hasta luego, and
Pharaoh squeezing la vaca.
¡Gracias, Pharaoh
¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje!
Right after the Memorial
Day weekend, on Tuesday, May 28 from 5-6:30 p.m., we are having an
EC Pot-luck Dinner on our nature playground. We know that it is
a busy time of the year and this day on our very busy school calendar was the
only one available. We hope that your family will join us.
We do need to try to get
an idea of a head count and what families will bring to the pot-luck. If
you have not already done so, please sign-up in your child's classroom (or
outside of the door.) If you do not see this e-mail in time to
sign-up, please e-mail Debbie at dgreen@abingtonfriends.net with how
may people will be coming (adults and children) and what you are able to bring.
Also, as seating is
limited, please feel free to bring a blanket or folding chairs.
¡Espero verlos allí! I hope to see you there!
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