You may notice, as you walk by the windows in the Owl room, that our garden space next door to the building is become transformed! Twelve raised beds have been built for Lower School classes to use, and daffodils are in full bloom all over the area. Unfortunately, the daffodils are in places are planned for other things, and so they must be moved!
This morning, the Owls worked in small groups to dig new holes to move the transported daffodils into. Along the way, we enjoyed practicing cooperation and teamwork to dig out the holes, and discussed the gentle care that was needed in order to help the plants live.
In preparation for our class' raised bed, we began planting bean seeds. In bags, we added seeds and damp paper towels to help the seeds sprout and begin their process of life. Special thanks to Alexander's family for supplying the seeds and planting materials.
We also visited Sam in the art room to decorate terracotta pots. The painted pots will be given as gifts on Friday during the Early Childhood Peer Network conference. The conference will bring together E.C. teachers in Quaker schools from all over the Philadelphia area (and beyond!) to discuss Quaker practices and how these practices fit in with our teaching. The conference will be at AFS, and is being co-led by Tamara. How exciting!
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