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Monday, April 15, 2013


Since our creation of the math center, Owl teachers have constantly been on the search for new math manipulatives to add and make math exciting and interesting. This morning, we borrowed "people counters" from Debbie. People counters are simply small rubber people, and Debbie has a LOT of them. Once we brought them back to the room, we pulled out tens frames that were borrowed from Raji in Kindergarten. A tens frame is a large rectangle that has ten smaller rectangles inside, comprised of 2 rows of five. Tens frames are wonderful ways of introducing children to addition, because you need to fill up the first row of five before filling up the second row. Children become comfortable with "counting up" because when they become familiar with using this method and see that the top row is filled up, they automatically know that you start counting numbers up from five.
We used the people counters in conjunction with the tens frames in order for friends to start to test out their counting and addition skills. The Owls also realized that there were multiples of the same person, so they became very focused on sorting all the people and then counting the numbers of the organized groups.

Other Owlings:
Mimi signing her whole name!
Spanish with Alicia

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