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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spreading Wings

A conversation this morning between Alexander and Wills this morning involved the words "Chinese mayor". We began talking about what those two words mean; A mayor is the leader of a town, which was easy enough to understand, but when someone is Chinese, where are they from? China? Where is that? Well to get to the bottom of that question, we borrowed a globe from Cinda's 1st grade. We first looked to see where we live, and then used our fingers to see how far we would need to travel to get to China. As one friend exclaimed, "It's all the way across the world!"
Alexander: "So when it's daytime here, it's nighttime there [in China]!"
We also enjoyed a lot of playtime outside today with the Catbirds.
We're with the band
Cleaning our playground to make it look beautful
(Notice how beautifully Spring-like the background looks!)

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