Welcome to our world of discovery and learning!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs. Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
One of the wonderful aspects of blogging is that it allows real-time interaction between home and school. Is your child talking about what we are doing in school? Leave us a comment and let us know! Are you interested (or even an expert!) in something we are studying? Leave us a comment and let us know! Are you planning an outing with your child to extend the classroom learning? Leave us a comment and invite other families along!
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Friday, April 26, 2013

A Magic Trip

This morning the Owls ventured down to the art room to Sam today, and walked in to a room filled with assorted materials all over. On the two tables, the materials were divided by color; the first table was filled with reds, yellows, oranges and browns. The second table offered an array of blues, greens and purples. Sam told us that the one table was filled with "warm colors" and the other was filled with "cool colors".
Using the things on the table, friends made wonderful warm and cool collages.
Visiting us this morning were our 7th grade friends: Jesse, Thomas and Sydney!

We also went on a romp to the magic forest, or the Arts Park in Avelthorpe.

(We had many more photos, but for some reason Blogger is not letting me upload them. We'll see if we can get more up later!)

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