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Monday, April 8, 2013

Español con las Lechuzas y los Búhos: Nuestra cara (Our face)

¡Bienvenidos! During la clase de Español, it was Lucas’ turn to choose our destination to a Spanish speaking country. After our traditional morning welcome, he suggested we head to Mexico so up went nuestras alas (our wings) and off we went en avión (on plane). Upon our return, we settled into this Spanish speaking country and gathered in a círculo.

Once settled we each took a turn in sharing our favorite color. An inflatable globe was passed around. Once it was on our lap, we were encouraged to say, Mi favorite color es... and finish the statement by saying our favorite color using the Spanish vocabulary. The most popular choices were:

rojo (red)
azul (blue)
rosa (pink)
verde (green)
morado (purple)
negro (black)

Afterwards, we practiced using the Spanish vocabulary words for facial features.

Cabeza (head)
Ojos (eyes)
Oidos (ears)
Boca (mouth)
Nariz (nose)

Next, to reinforce our learning, we sang a song. Using the same verse, we sang it for each facial feature:

Esta es mi cabeza, (This is my head,)
Estos son mis pies. (These are my feet.)
Estos son mis ojos. (These are my eyes,)
Uno, dos y tres. (One, two, three.)

Esta es mi cabeza, (This is my head,)
Estos son mis pies. (These are my feet.)
Estas son mis orejas. (These are my ears,)
Uno, dos y tres. (One, two, three.)

We finished nuestra clases with our usual, ¡Adios. Hasta luego!, song and Lucas squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Lucas!

¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje!


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