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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Full of Thanks

We joined the rest of the Lower School for Meeting for Worship today, after reading the book, "We're Going to Meeting for Worship." It was lovely to hear the messages of many Lower Schoolers sharing about what they are thankful for. So we decided to ask the Owls, "What are you thankful for? What makes your heart feel glad?
Pharaoh: My mommy because she loves me lot of times. Daddy; he just can walk. I am thankful for my mommy and my daddy and my mom-mom.
Matt: I'm thankful for my mom and dad.
Kevin: My family. I'm nice, that's what I do.
Alexander:  I'm thankful that I have food.
Penny: I'm doing Thanksgiving today. I thankful for my daddy, mommy... Joon.
Tori: My mommy got a chocolate rooster cake with a lollipop on it! My mommy and daddy are going trick-or-treating with me, and my friends. When my mommy and daddy and friends come over to my house and have winter with me.
Elise: I am thankful for my mom and my dad, cause I like them so much.
Sadie: Mommy and daddy [make my hear feel glad] and Kaya.
Amani: Mommy, daddy, grandma, Amira! When they read me stories.
Harper: I have a song, "You don't know you're beautiful! Oh oh! You don't know you're beautiful! Oh oh!" I'm thankful Rainey, and I saw Rainy today that's what I'm thankful for. And I have something else: I like having TV shows when its morning time.
Mimi: I thankful about my family. Because I love them. Because I love them so much.
Wills: Sometimes when I go to bed, I feel like I'm in peace. Matthew, Evan, and Elais. Elais is Lucas's friend, but he still plays with me. Because they do nice things for me.
Caimin: Pat.  I'm thankful for my mom, papa, and Ruauri.
Patrick: Mommy for making me a half day. Giving me some breakfast when I got up. I'm thankful for dad fixing my toys. My brother because he let me play with his toys. Because I like people who say yes to me.

(Pictures coming later...technical difficulties.)

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