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Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs. Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
One of the wonderful aspects of blogging is that it allows real-time interaction between home and school. Is your child talking about what we are doing in school? Leave us a comment and let us know! Are you interested (or even an expert!) in something we are studying? Leave us a comment and let us know! Are you planning an outing with your child to extend the classroom learning? Leave us a comment and invite other families along!
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Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Fun!

Ah...Jason...our music friend. The Owls have quickly learned to love the time spent with him and their trips to the music room. Today we were introduced to rhythm sticks, and Jason led us in an introductory exploration of how to use them to create different sounds. We noticed that we could use different surfaces, and saw that if we use the sticks in different ways (some sticks had rigid sides), we heard different things. Jason led us in a poem that introduced counting to a rhythm, too.


 Jason also showed us a beautiful story called "We All Sing With the Same Voice" by J. Philip Miller and Sheppard M. Greene. The story was told through song, and the Owls joined in the singing of the chorus, as well as using hands to move with the song.
We continued painting our mailboxes, and are ready for the next steps! Stay tuned!
We also enjoyed a warm(er) morning visit to the big playground.
Static Electricity a la slides!
Enjoying autumn gifts.

Other Owl Happenin's:

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