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Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs. Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Monday, September 10, 2012

The Endless Possibilities of a Box

As the children have been working on saying goodbye in the morning and watching some friends have a hard time with goodbyes, the book "Llama Llama Misses Momma" has become a class favorite. As we were reading it this morning, Patrick noticed one page where the animals in the story had made a train out of boxes. He declared that we should do that too, and the other children thought it was a great idea. We set off to ask Tricia in the Office if she had any boxes. She didn't but she thought that Sam the Art Teacher might, so away we went to the Art Room. Sure enough, Sam had one GIANT box for us.
Using some excellent team work, we carried it back to the classroom, where decoration immediately commenced. It became clear, however, that the Owls had very different ideas about to make.

Tamara suggested that we discuss it at Morning Meeting. Their ideas included a train, a plane, and a place to hide. We will have to decide tomorrow what we want to do with our box!

Today was a special day: Lois's Fourth Birthday! She brought some fancy pretzels shaped like the number four for our snack.

At Choice Time, one choice was to make play dough. We quickly ran into a problem. We didn't have any salt! Luckily, we are part of a big community, so we set off for another adventure, this time to the cafeteria. There, Carol and Chef Pat helped us out with a cup of salt.

Other activities in our busy day:

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