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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New House Building Techniques

On the playground today, The Owls were joined by some other children from the Cardinal class and the Kindergarten in the Big Building Area. They were working on building a castle! They had some innovative ideas, including using mud as mortar and propping the branches on blocks. One kindergartener even added a draw bridge, which the Owls loved going under!

After Choice Time, we divided up into groups for some inside adventures while the storms blew through outside. One group made an obstacle course in the classroom: over, under and through chairs, blocks and tables!

Even Barry our maintenance guy joined in the fun!

Another group toured the Lower School, visiting the Art Room, Science Room, and Music Room.
The third group trekked over to the Muller Auditorium where they visited April the Theater Tech teacher. On the stage, they talked about acting  and had a game of charades.

Other activities:

Morning Meeting Puppet Show about NOT putting things in your mouth!  ("Wait, what about pizza?" "Oh yes, that is ok." "What about Tori's delicious shoes?" "Nope!")

magic bubble pen

meeting April

1 comment:

  1. The building is not an easy task but the fresh mind in this field can do so much innovative that can't be comparable like The Maguire building Groups.
